SBBA Meet n Greet for European Festival of Brass Volunteers…

The following message is from the SBBA Committee:
SBBA members and friends are cordially invited to drop in to the new SBBA Headquarters, 12 Fairbairn Road, Livingston, EH54 6TS this Saturday 29th March anytime between 10.30 and 2.30 pm to find out more about volunteering at the upcoming European Festival of Brass to be held in Perth during the week of 28th April until 5th May.
We are hoping to recruit a variety of enthusiastic, like-minded people to look after our European friends and assist the SBBA executive committee in a variety of ways. For those of you already ‘signed up’ to assist, please come along to be allocated an area of responsibility and more information about the week. Should you require any further information before Saturday, please do not hesitate to contact Carrie Boax or myself.
A cup of tea or coffee and a warm welcome awaits you!
Tom Allan
0788 1920 361
Carrie Boax